Missionary Mark Gostlin

Brother Mark Gostlin, missionary to the French speaking people, will be with us on Sunday evening August 14th. He will be updating his ministry and preaching that evening. We will be taking up a Love Offering for him.

Golf Outing

18 holes with cart, 4 man scramble, cost is $40 each. This is not only a golf outing, there will be a picnic following golf at 5:30pm. The cost for those coming to picnic is $10 per person, free for children under 10. Teens will be asking for business and family/friend sponsors. Anyone who sponsors will have their name on sign at golf course. This will be held at Pheasant Run Golf Course in LaGrange, on August 20th at 1pm. They are in need of people to donate cases of water, pop and sport drinks. There is a sign up list in the foyer. Money for meal needs to be turned in as soon as possible, no later than August 14th.

Back to School Supplies

We will be giving away back to school supplies to our Church families. There is a list of supplies we need in the foyer. If you have children’s clothes you children have outgrown or no longer need bring them in and we will give them away on Saturday August 7th, here at the Church from 10 AM -12 PM. All clothes and supplies need to be turned in by Wednesday August 3rd, so we can set everything up for all to go through.

Wilds Night

Sunday evening July 24th, will be Wilds Night. We will have food and teens will give their testimonies how God has worked in their lives. If you could help with food there is a sign up sheet in the foyer.

Wilds Traveling Information

All luggage and bedding needs to be at the Church by 5:30 PM Sunday evening 7/17, to be loaded in the U-Haul. They will be allowed snacks on the van as long as they keep trash in bags and not on the floors. Please make sure all drinks have lids and no messy chocolate that will melt and make a mess. We will pull out of Church at 3:00 AM, please be here 15 minutes early.