The Kindness Closet

We will be collecting GENTLY used articles of clothing for both children and adults as well as toiletries. This will be a ministry for our Church family, community and missionaries. You can put donations in the nursing lounge downstairs. Please see Jessica with any questions.

Spaghetti Luncheon Fundraiser

Sunday January 12th – Following Morning Worship – There will also be serving salad, garlic bread, dessert and drinks. The teens will bring desserts.

Master Clubs Theme Nights

January 19th – Grad Prix Cars go on sale. $5 each. Talk to Mrs. Warner if payment is an issue.

January 12th – Dot Night – Earn extra dots for the WOW board by Doing Outstanding Things during the club night.

January 26th – Silent Night – No talking unless saying a verse or answering a question. Anyone who makes it all night without talking will earn a candy bar.

February 2nd – Groundhog Day – Earn a reward for reciting the most verses you have learned this year.

February 9th – Love one another – Make Valentines for the elderly in our Church.

February 16th – Mismatch Night – Got looks on the hear not out appearance.

February 23rd – Family Night – Bring your grown up to club so they can see what it is all about.

March 2nd – Visitor Contest Begins – Bring someone who has not been to club this year duing March and you will both be entered into a drawing for a gift card. The person who brings the most friends this month (must be more than 1) will earn a separate gift card.

March 9th – Car Turn in Night – You must turn in your car this night to be part of the design judging will will be done Sunday morning.

March 16th – Grand Prix – Come ready to race and have a good time! Invite your grown ups. Race will start after opening and a short message.

March 23rd – Twin Night – Dress like someone else. All participants will get matching prizes.

March 30th – Backwards Night – Your club night will run backwards after opening and you can wear your clothes backwards if you want to. Visitor Contest Awards given. You must be present to win.

Youth Sunday

We will be having a Youth Sunday on December 8th.

Choir Practice

Choir practice every Sunday at 4:00 PM. Looking for people to join.

Comfy Night – Master Clubs

December 15th. Wear your comfiest clothes and be ready to warm the heart of an elderly person by making them a gift that we will deliver to the JBF community.

Neighbor Night – Master Clubs

December 8th. All clubbers who bring a neighbor will get a $5 gift card and so will their neighbor. Plus earn 5 extra stickers on the WOW board.