Missions News Letters

If you would like to be updated on how our Missionaries are doing and how they are impacting others, email missions@spencerfbc.org to receive monthly updates.

Changed Lives Banquet

Changed Lives Banquet is on Thursday September 21st from 6:00-9:00PM at the Amish Door in Wilmot Ohio.

Teen Fundraiser Meal

The teens will be having a fundraiser meal to help earn money for camp next year. This is a donation only. Sunday October 15th following the morning Worship Service.

Ladies’ Bible Study

Ladies’ Bible Study will be September 23rd @ 8:30AM. Women of the Bible: Eve – Genesis 1-4

Golf Outing

August 5th. Cost is $55. Registration is at 12:30 PM, golf 1:00 PM. At Pheasant Run Golf Club. Dinner is at 6:00 PM. Cost is $10 for over 10. This is to help our teens earn their way to camp.

Parents: Your teen can earn their entire way to camp if they get involved!

Ladies’ Back to School Kickoff

Ladies’ back to school kickoff Ice Cream Social will be August 12th 1:00 PM at the Spencer Park. This is for all ladies and their children.

Ladies’ Bible Study

Ladies’ Bible study will be on September 9th @ 8:30 AM. New Study – Women of the Bible. Breakfast.

Pot Luck Dinner

Travis and Jessica have accepted the pastorate at Colonial Baptist Church in Wintersville, OH. The first Sunday in their new ministry will be July 30th. Our Church Family wants to celebrate this new chapter in their lives with a pot luck dinner net Sunday, July 23rd, right after the morning service. Each family is asked to bring two side dishes. Shredded chicken sandwiches, drinks and cake will be provided. There will be no Sunday Evening Worship.