Ladies’ Bible Study will be on December 10th
Category: General
Children’s Christmas Program Practice
Special practice is November 27th, December 4th and December 11th at 9:30 AM.
December 17th will be 9:00 AM till Noon.
The Children’s Christmas Program
The Children’s Christmas program will be on Sunday December 18th at 10:30 AM.
Children’s Christmas Program
The children will be practicing for the program on Sunday mornings during the service.
Men’s Bible Study
December 3rd
Communion Service
Tuesday November 22nd 7:00 PM. No Wednesday service
Thanksgiving Lunch
Sunday November 20th following the service. Bring side dish and dessert. Church will furnish turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls and drink. No evening service.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Ladies’ Bible Study will be October 8th
Changed Lives Banquet
Changed Lives Banquet is at Amish door Restaurant, Thursday, September 8th 6:00 PM. For reservations call 330-241-0783
Buckeye Teen Harvest Rally
The teens will be going to Buckeye Teen Harvest Rally on Saturday September 10th from 9:00-5:00. Cost is $20.