I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Psalm 122:1
Category: General
Master Clubs Grand Prix
The Grand Prix will be on April 24th
Men’s Bible Study
Saturday May 7th 9:00 AM
Ladies’ Bible Study
April 9th @ 8:30 AM
Good Friday Service
Friday April 15th at 7:00 PM we will be having Communion.
Easter Breakfast
Sunday April 17th 9:30 AM. Bring Egg or Potato & Fruit or Danish
Union Gospel Press
If you are looking for a good resource for daily devotional and other Christian based literature check out https://www.uniongospelpress.com/. They are locally based in Cleveland, OH. Many of you may remember Rev. Bruce Mussleman from his visits to our church. He was a former President of Union Gospel Press.
Church Bowling
Saturday February 26th at Strike and Spare Lanes in Lodi. Cost $8 and ($5 for 12 & under)
Family Camp
Family camp is August 15th-20th. You will need to sign up ASAP because it will fill up quickly. https://wilds.org/
Teen Camp Registration
Teen Camp is July 18th-23rd. Please sign up online at https://wilds.org/.