On September 8th the teens will be going to Mansfield Baptist Temple. The cost is $20, and needs to be turned in with waiver as soon as possible. They will be leaving church at 8:00 AM and return at 6:00 PM.
Category: General
Back to School Outing
The teens will be going to the Garn home on Sunday August 26th from 1:00 – 6:00 PM.
Church Picnic
We will be having a church picnic on Sunday September 2nd following the morning Worship Service at the Huntington Park on St. Rt. 58. Please bring a covered dish, dessert and a chair. There will be no evening service.
Missionary Nadar Baraty
Brother Nadar will be with us on Sunday morning August 26th to give an update about his ministry and will also be preaching. We will be taking up a love offering.
Creations by the Creator
Start taking pictures for the “Creations by The Creator”, Church wide photography contest. Must be 5 x 7 matted photograph with a scripture verse, no people in your photo, deadline to submit photos to Jeannie Cecil is September 2nd. Prizes awarded according to the number of entries, limit 3 per person.
Communion Service
We will be observing The Lord’s Supper on Sunday September 2nd as part of the morning Worship service.
Russell Schultz’s Graduation Party
Russell Shultz’s Graduation Party will be held in the new building, on Saturday July 21st, from 4-8 PM. Come and enjoy the time together.
Golf Outing Fundraiser
The Golf Outing Fundraiser for teen ministry will be on Saturday August 18th. If you know any golfers, invite them to bring a team. We also need sponsors, pop, water, sports drinks and items for silent auction. Everything needs to be turned in by August 5th. There are forms in the foyer.
The Wilds
Camp is just 2 weeks away! Pray for our teens. We also have 3 Campers in Training and they will be leaving next Sunday. They will go through one week of training and a week of serving. It is a privilege to be chosen to go to CIT. There will be a meeting next Sunday after the Worship Service.
Ladies Bible Study
The next Ladies Bible Study is Tuesday July 10th, 10:30 AM, here at the Church.