The next game night will be on Saturday April 28th from 6-8 PM. Please bring your favorite snack.
Category: General
Spring Fling Overnighter
The teens will be going to Mansfield Baptist Temple on Friday May 4th – Saturday May 5th. They will start at the Church and be going to Altitude Trampoline Park and then to Columbus for skating and laser tag. Cost is $30 per person.
Ladies Bible Study
Tuesday April 17th at 10:30 AM & 7:15 PM here at the Church. Please feel free to bring a snack to share.
Mission Emphasis Weekend
Mark your calendars. April 21st & 22nd we will be having a banquet on Saturday evening and special services on Sunday. We need people to sing, do skits, help with food and decorations. See Pastor if you are able to help. Brother Easter will be with us for this special weekend.
Game Night
We will be having game night on Saturday evening March 24th from 6-8PM. This is open to all just bring your favorite snack and game if you have one for groups to play. There will be teens to babysit and will be by donation only to help teens go to camp.
Good Friday Communion Service
We will be having a Good Friday Service on Friday evening March 30th at 7PM.
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight savings time March 11th. Turn your clocks ahead.
Teens Selling Krispy Kreme Donuts
The teens are selling Krispy Kreme donuts, if interested see a teen.
Ladies Bible Study
Tuesday March 13th at 10:30AM & 7:15PM here at the Church.
Child Dedication
We will be having a child dedication on Sunday March 25th following the morning Worship, for all parents who would like to dedicate their children to God, raising them to the best of their abilities for The Lord. If interested please fill out an information slip.