The ladies retreat at Mansfield Baptist Temple will be held on Friday & Saturday March 16th & 17th. Tonya Shepherd will be one of the speakers. We will be staying overnight and need to know who will be staying to reserve rooms, please sign up and have your money for the retreat in by Wednesday March 7th, the cost is $35. This is open to teen girls also for $20.
Category: General
The Wilds
The teens will be going to camp July 23-28. Early bird registration to save $30 must be turned in by January 31st. To register just go to The Wilds website and follow directions to register.
Christmas Service
The choir and others will be singing on Sunday December 24th at 10:30 AM. There will be no evening service.
Children’s Christmas Program
Sunday Morning December 17th at 10:30 AM.
Ladies Christmas Cookie Exchange
Ladies, bring six dozen homemade cookies. Full of Christmas cheer at 11 AM on Saturday December 2nd to trade with the ladies you love so dear. Guests are welcome. Please sign up, as we need to know how many will be here & bring copies of your recipe to share! We also need 4 ladies to bring soup.
Christmas Shopping
The teens will be going shopping for Christmas on Saturday December 9th from 10 AM to 5 PM.
Thanksgiving Communion Service
We will be having our Wednesday Service on Tuesday November 21st. We will be having Communion Service to remember The Lord’s sacrifice.
Thanksgiving Meal
Our Church Thanksgiving meal will be Sunday November 19th following the Morning Worship Service. Please bring a side dish and dessert. The Church will furnish the turkey, potatoes, rolls and drinks. There will be no evening Service.
Men Mark your Calendar
Men’s Conference November 10-11, Evangelist Tom Farrell from The Wilds will be the guest speaker, along with others. Information and sign up sheet in the foyer.
Children’s Christmas Program
It is hard to believe that it is already time to be thinking about Christmas. We are starting to pick parts for the program. We will need 2 guys 2 ladies, adult or teens to be in the program along with the children. The parts are on the table in the foyer, highlighted. If anyone would be able to help please let Jackie know as soon as possible.