Starts Sunday September 10th and ends Wednesday October 25th.
What: 5×7 photograph
Rules: *Ladies Only* photo must be of something God created, *no ‘know’ family photos*, must be matted with scripture verse on mat, no frames, please don not sign or reveal you were the photographer. Photos must be turned in by Wednesday October 24th to Jeannie Cecil. Church members will vote and choose the top 3 photos for your chance to win a price. All photographs will be used to decorate the Ladies classroom.
Category: General
Master Club
Master Club, Wednesday evening for 3 year olds through 6th grade. Registration starts at 6:15 PM upstairs in the foyer.
Teen Harvest Rally
The teens will be going to Mansfield Baptist Temple on Saturday September 9th for the Teen Harvest Rally. The cost is $20. Mark your calendar and invite your friends. There is a ninja course, giant hamster ball races, battle ball, rock climbing, ping pong, mechanical bull and so much more.
Ladies Bible Study
The next ladies Bible Study is this Tuesday, August 8th, at 6:30 PM at Jean Scandlon’s home.
Senior Outing
The seniors will be going to the Lake Erie Crushers vs the Windy City Thunder Bolts on Thursday August 31st. The game starts at 6:35 PM and the cost is $13 which includes a $8 food voucher at the park. Must sign up and pay by August 20th.
Annual Golf Outing to Benefit Teens
There will be a picnic at 5:30 PM, Saturday August 12th . We are asking for a $10 donation for each person over 10 years old to help support the teens. Please sign up and pay this week so they can plan for food. If anyone would like to donate pop or sports drinks, if would be appreciated. For more information see Corey Mullet.
Ladies Bible Study
The Ladies will be starting a Bible study on Tuesday evening June 20th from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM at Firestone Park. Meet at the Church if bad weather.
Teen Walk-a-thon
The Teens walk-a-thon is on Saturday June 3rd from 10 AM – 1 PM at Firestone Park. There will be a fellowship and cookout following. Hamburgers and hot dogs supplied, please bring a side dish. See a teen if you would like to sponsor them.
Annual Golf Outing to Benefit Teens
Save the date: Saturday August 12th. More information to follow.
Riley Carlson’s Graduation Party
Riley Carlson’s graduation party will be on Sunday June 11th from 2-6 PM at the park by the old school in West Salem. Everyone is invited.