Taco Bowls May 5th
The Teens will be having a meal serving Taco Bowls following the Morning Worship Service. Everyone is invited to stay. This is a fundraiser, donation only.
Taco Bowls May 5th
The Teens will be having a meal serving Taco Bowls following the Morning Worship Service. Everyone is invited to stay. This is a fundraiser, donation only.
May 4th 9:00 AM
Miss Molly’s Tea May 4th at 11:00AM
There will be no service 3/27/24. We will be having Good Friday Service this week.
April 20th Kingwood Center to see the tulips.
May 4th @ 11:00 AM. Miss Molly’s Tea. Must sign up so we have a count.
There will be no evening Service on March 31st
Teen Camp is July 15-20. Teens need to get signed up as soon as possible. Camp is for all teens 6th-12th grade.
Egg Hunt will be Sunday March 31st.
Please turn in eggs by Wednesday March 27th.
Reminder that all cars need to be turned in by March17th so they can be weighed.