Teen Game Night

The teens will be having a game night on Saturday February 24th from 5:00-9:00 PM

Valentine’s Banquet

February 10th at 6:00 PM here at the Church. Sign up sheet in the foyer. Food choices are chicken or lasagna. Sign up sheet in is in the foyer. Everyone is invited. Cost: $20 per person. Teens will be serving us.

Church Budget Meeting

January 28th Business Meeting! Yearly Budget Sunday evening following the evening service.

Master Clubs Upcoming Events

December 10th: Wiseman Night – Dress as a Wiseman or wear a star. Make wise choices all night.

December 17th: Christmas Party – Come in your PJ’s and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus!

December 24th and 31st – No Club

Identity Theft and Fraud Seminar

Our Church will be hosting a seminar geared towards senior citizens, but open to all, to learn about identity theft and fraud. Thursday December 7th 10 AM

Christmas Eve Service

Sunday Evening December 24th 5:00 PM

We are having a special Testimony and Music Service!

We need volunteers to sing or play instruments to make this special.