Men’s Bible Study will be November 4th at 9:00 AM.
Category: General
Children’s Christmas Program
To Parents and Family:
We will be having practice for our Christmas Program every Sunday during Jr. Church. The children need to be as faithful as possible during this time. We will also have practice on 3 Sunday mornings November 26th, December 3rd, and December 10t from 9:15-10:30 AM and Saturday December 16th at 9:00 AM -12 PM, this includes practice and lunch after. This year our program is called Jesus is the Light. The children will be singing in the program and have parts in the skit.
Our program will be on Sunday December 17th at 10:30 AM. Please mark your calendars for this special program and invite your family and friends. You won’t want to miss this special Christmas Program.
Thank You so much for letting us be a part of your children’s lives.
Any questions contact Jackie Mullet
Church Phone: 330-648-2320
Altitude Trampoline Park
October 21st from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Cost is $16. Sign up and pay by the 15th. Everyone is welcome!
Men’s Conference
Striving to be Christ-like Men. Shave the date for the Main Event November 10-11. Keynote Speakers Kenny Baldwin, Kurt Skelly and Douglas Jackson. Additional info can be found on the Mansfield Baptist Temple website –
Wednesday Kids Bible Study
Wednesday evenings Bible Study. Character and Connections for children Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Master Clubs
Join us for Master Clubs. Starting at age 4 through 12th grade. Sunday evenings 4:45 PM – 6:30 PM. We have games, Fun time, Handbook time, and a Lesson. They also earn Awards.
Teen Meal
The teens will be having a fundraiser meal, to help earn money for camp next year. This is donation only. Sunday October 15th following the morning Worship Service. Everyone is invited.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Ladies’ Bible Study October 28th 8:30 AM. Women of the Bible. Sarah-Genesis 12-23
Ladies Amish Country Trip
Ladies are going to Amish Country on October 14th. Leaving the Church at 8:30 AM
Kids Bible Study
Wednesday evenings there will be a Bible study “Character in Connections” for children K-5th grade