There will be a baptismal class July 21st at 9:30 AM, during Sunday School, for all interested in being baptized.
Latest News
Men’s Bible Study
August 3rd 9:00 AM
Golf Outing
August 3rd 12:30 PM. Golfers need to get your team registered. Teens you need to get sponsors for the golf outing. You can earn your whole way to camp, it takes a little effort. You also need items for the auction. All are welcome for the meal at 6:00 PM. Cost $10
Ladies’ Bible Study
July 13th 8:30 AM. Ruth – Ruth 1-3. Breakfast at the Church
Retirement Party
Our Church family will be honoring Pastor and Jackie on Saturday August 31st for their 17 1/2 years of love and service at First Baptist Church. A catered meal will be served in the FBC Family Center at 2:00 PM. It is essential that you sign the list in the foyer with total number attending by August 4th, so an accurate count can be given to the caterer.
Neighborhood Bible Time
Boosters June 24th-28th
Teens June 23rd-27th
We are in need of meals for Evangelist’s. Food for snacks. Lists in foyer. There are sheets in the foyer to hand out or hang in local businesses. We need your help!
Teen Camp Out
The teens will be camping out Wednesday 6/19 from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. They will need tents, sleeping bags, pillow and snacks. Boys will be sleeping outside and girls will be in the Church.
Men’s Bible Study
July 6th 9:00 AM
Ladies’ Bible Study
July 13th 8:30 AM. Ruth – Ruth 3. Breakfast at Church
Ladies Ministry – Trip to Hartville Flea Market
Saturday June 15th. We will leave the Church at 8:00 AM